Wheatland Hunt Pony Club

A local successful pony club branch.

Email: wheatland@pcuk.org


Mechanical Horse

Rider Alignment on ‘Perry’ the Mechanical Horse. Improve core strength, balance and confidence with fun tailored exercises to improve riding position with Patsy Pyke BHS Accredited Intermediate, Stage 4 coach. Call: 07521 029491


Helping kids move freely using the movement of the horse

Lift & Shift Boot Camp

Lift & Shift at the Cavalier Centre 6:30pm on Wednesday evenings.

Lift and Shift Boot Camp is designed to improve strength, fitness and wellbeing. With over 20 years experience in the health and fitness industry, our coach John Docherty is committed to helping people achieve their goals. John is passionate about accessibility for all in their pursuit of improving their health and well-being.

Come and join John as he pushes you to do more, lift more and build muscle. It’s an exciting, dynamic and fun workout!

If you’d like to know more, please contact Claire or John via email at fitforbookings@gmail.com 

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