Outdoor Arena

All Weather Outdoor Arena
  • 30x 40m and has an all fibre surface (All weather)
  • Can also be used in conjunction with the Indoor Arena (to be used as a warm up)
  • Adjacent to wide access parking area

The Outdoor Arena is available for hire by groups or individuals when not in use for our core activities.  It can be hired from as little as £20 per hour.

Arrival on site:

The wellbeing of our horses is our primary concern. Visiting horses must be up to date with vaccinations and hirers must present their horse’s passport at the office before unloading.

Hire by riding clubs etc: The organiser is responsible for checking vaccination details. Spot checks will be undertaken by Centre staff and passports must be available for inspection

What is great about our outdoor arena ?
Large arena with all fibre, all weather surface
Accessed directly from a large parking area with turning space for large vehicles
Can be booked from as little as £10 per hour

Vaccination policy for visiting horses:

  • The horse must receive a primary course of two injections against equine influenza given no less than 21 days and no more than 92 days apart.
    •Only these first two injections need to be given before the horse can come on site.
    •In addition, a FIRST booster injection must be given no less than 150 days and no more than 215 days after the second injection of the primary course.
    •Subsequent booster injections must be given at intervals of not more than one year apart, commencing after the first booster injection.
    After the recent Equine Flu outbreak, we require all horses to have had a flu booster within six months of coming on site. None of these injections can be given within the seven days before the day of using the Cavalier Centre.

General Housekeeping

Please respect our site – all hay, bedding and muck must be cleared up and put back on your lorry or trailer.
When entering or exiting the arena through main door please make yourself known as there may be horses walking past.
The arena doors or white barriers must be across the doorway when the arena is in use.
Muck in the arena must be removed and put in the buckets provided. Liquids must be mopped from the surface
You are welcome to use the jumps and equipment. However, this must be put away after use and any damages will be charged.
This is a riding for the disabled centre so please be mindful of our horses and clients when moving around the site.

For more information
Please contact us detailing your requirement