Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding Policy Statement

Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil human rights; it can take many forms. The staff and volunteers at The Cavalier Centre are committed to practices which promote the welfare of Children and Adults at Risk and safeguard them from harm.

Staff and volunteers in our organisation accept and recognise our responsibilities to develop awareness of the issues that cause an Adult at Risk harm, and to establish and maintain a safe environment for them. The Cavalier Centre fully accepts its legal and moral obligation to protect children in the course of its work and it is our policy to make every reasonable effort to safeguard and protect those who are involved in any aspects of our work.

In pursuit of this, The Cavalier Centre are committed to ensuring that:

  • The welfare of all participants is paramount.
  • That all participants can take part in a fun and safe environment.
  • All reasonable and practical steps are taken to ensure that participants are protected from harm, discrimination and degrading treatment and that participants rights, wishes and feelings are respected.
  • All suspicions and allegations of poor practice or abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
  • Ensuring general health and safety and risk management procedures are adhered to.
  • All trustees, employees and volunteers have a responsibility to report concerns with regards to safeguarding matters whether a child or Adult at Risk. It is the responsibility of experts to determine whether abuse has taken place, but it is everyone’s responsibility to report any concerns.
  • A designated Safeguarding Officer has been appointed.
  • Safeguarding officers and other relevant staff/volunteers receive appropriate training and guidance on Safeguarding.

Safeguarding encompasses both Child Protection and Adults at Risk. As defined in the Children Act 1989, for the purposes of Child Protection, anyone under the age of 18 should be considered a child. An Adult at Risk is defined by the “Who Cares” consultation 1997 as someone “who is, or may be, in need of community care services by reason of disability, age or illness: and is or may be unable to take care, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation” over 18 years of age.

The policies and procedures apply to everyone within the Cavalier Centre, whether in a paid or voluntary capacity, including trustees, committee members and designated medical and veterinary staff. Everyone should be aware of safeguarding procedures and best practices.

Legal and Procedural Framework

The practices and procedures within the Cavalier Centre are based on the principles contained within the UK and International legislation and Government guidance and take into account:

  • Adult Safeguarding 2011
  • Adult Support and Protection Act 2007
  • Care Act 2014
  • Children Act 1989 (England and Wales)
  • Children Act 2004
  • Disability Discrimination Act 1995
  • Every Child Matters 2006
  • No Secrets (Adult Protection) 2000
  • Protection of Children (Scotland) Act 2003
  • Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
  • Safeguarding Adults (ADASS) 2005
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (Scotland 2007)
  • The Human Rights Act 2000
  • The Protection of Children Act 1999
  • The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989