July 2016
Consideration of the whistle-blowing related to a child protection or safeguarding context
The BEF (and its member organisations) is committed to developing a culture where it is safe and acceptable for all
those involved in equestrianism to raise concerns about unacceptable practice and misconduct.
What is a whistle-blower?
“You’re a whistle-blower if you’re a worker and you report certain types of wrongdoing. This will usually be
something you’ve seen at work – though not always.
The wrongdoing you disclose must be in the public interest. This means it must affect others, eg the general public.
As a whistle-blower you’re protected by law – you shouldn’t be treated unfairly or lose your job because you ‘blow the
You can raise your concern at any time about an incident that happened in the past, is happening now, or you believe
will happen in the near future.” (Whistleblowing for employees, 2015).
Those involved in the BEF or one of the Member Bodies must acknowledge his/her individual responsibilities to bring
matters of concern to the attention of senior management and/or relevant agencies. Although this can be difficult it
is particularly important where the welfare of children may be at risk. The BEF assures that all those involved in
equestrianism are treated fairly and all concerns will be properly considered. In cases where the allegations prove to
be unfounded, then no action will be taken against those who report their suspicions/allegations provided they
acted in good faith and without malicious intent.
Reasons for whistle-blowing
Each individual has a responsibility for raising concerns about unacceptable practice or behaviour:
What stops people from whistle-blowing?
BEF safeguarding whistle-blowing procedures
Should concerns be raised via a “tip-off”, the person receiving the tip-off should attempt to obtain the following
information from the informant.
You should not attempt to deal with any allegation or concern yourself; rather inform your nominated welfare
officer or your Lead Welfare Officer or the BEF Safeguarding Officer.
Specifically do not:
Also do not assume
Who do I tell?
The first person to whom you should report your suspicion or allegation is your nominated welfare / safeguarding
If for any reason you cannot or do not wish to report to that officer, you should refer to your Lead
Welfare/Safeguarding Officer who is specifically trained to help and advise.
If you cannot, or do not wish to, report the information to either of these people, then please contact the BEF
Safeguarding Officer on: 02476 698871.
What happens next?
The amount of feedback relating to the issue will vary depending on the nature and result of the investigations.
However, where possible, those who have raised concerns will be kept informed of the progress and eventual
conclusion of investigations.